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12 Benifits and Important Features of Root Android

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Question: What is Android Root?
Answer: Android rooting is giving your phone super user permission. You need to root your phone manually. We can root most of the phones with the help of Frameroot app or Kingo Root app. But some android phones need to be rooted using PC. Method for rooting different phones are given on XDa-Developers. You can root you phone by finding method there. (Note: Your will loose your phone warranty after rooting).

1: CPU Configuration
You can configure your CPU and adjust the clock speed. You can under clock over clock your phone. Such as if your phone has 1.2 GHz clock speed, you can increase it or decrease it with the help of some Apps. Over clocking your phone is a risky task but some times you need to under clocking is safe and you may need it some times. Some smartphone temperature has temperature issue due to higher clock cycles (1.5 GHz or 2.0 GHz) so just under clock your CPU and decrease core utilization. It also helps in increasing battery life.

2: Improve Battery and Save Internet Data Improve Performance
Some apps always runs in background and eats a lot of battery and data. With the help of Greenify apps you can save it. So just download Greenify app and add all the apps running in background except some important apps (like Whatsapp, messengers). Now Greenify will stops all the apps automatically when you lock your phone. Your phone will run smoother then before.

3: Install Custom ROMs
A lot of custom ROMs are available for different phones. If your phone is rooted than you can install them.  Some smartphones does not receives the latest versions of Android but with the help of custom ROM you can upgrade to Latest version of Android. Custom ROMs give more optimizations and more features. Click here to know more about Custom ROMs.

4: Use SD Card as Internal
This feature is available on Marshmallow but with root permission you can convert your External storage into internal storage. After doing this you can't remove SD card so be careful. Before removing SD card change it as External Storage. It helps in smooth performance of phone. 

5: Remove Bloatware Apps
Android phone comes with a lot of apps. These apps are installed with you operating system and you can't remove them normally. So with root permission you can remove all unwanted apps with the help of system App remover. This app is available on play store.

6: Powerful Backup Manager
There are different apps for backup but for root users Titanium backup and Backup+ [Beta] are perfect apps. These apps helps in backing up your whole data. Now you can make a backup of internal apps and external apps along with data of these apps and games. These apps are helpful when you install a custom ROM which removes all apps from your system.

7: Ad Removal (Block Ads in Apps and Games)
You can remove ads from different apps. Most of the free apps and games gives ads but with the help of root permission you can block ads inside the apps. 

8: App Permissions
You can also control app permissions with the help of Exposed Box. You can also customize your phone with Exposed Box. 

9: Change Boot Animation
You can set up a custom boot animation. If you love boot animation of different phones like Samsung, LG, Nexus, Mi etc. Then change it with the help of root access. 

10: USB-drive Support
Most of phones does not supports USB flash drive. You can mount USB drives with Stick mount app. Install this app from play-store and enjoy.

11: Use Firewall in Android
Your so many apps access you data in background. Firewall block apps from using your data in background. It will show you the different apps which are accessing your internet. Just block those certain apps which uses your data.

12: Increase RAM (Random Access Memory)
You can increase the RAM of your phone for better performance with the help of RAM booster apps. You can use your internal space or SD card as RAM. Size of increased RAM depends on your phone. (Note: Increased RAM will not be visible in your phone because it it temporary RAM)


  1. I think every one should try rooting there phone, you will get to know more about its real potential, the first thing i was to install showbox apk.

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